Tuesday 30 October 2012

The XFT Compensation Plan


Syntek Global rewards our valued distributors with the best compensation plan in network marketing by creating a dual structure commission system to maximize earning potential.
There are eight ways to earn income through Syntek’s Compensation Plan. To begin building your team, simply sponsor two distributors to reach the Pro rank level and then help others on your team do the same.

Important Terms

PV: The distributor’s personal volume which is generated by your personal purchases, your retail  customer’s purchases, or a combination of both.
GV: The distributor’s group volume which is generated by all purchases in your organization (team).
Active Distributor: One who generates a minimum of 50 PV each month. This can be achieved by personal
purchases, your customers purchases, or a combination of both.

Qualified Distributor: One who is ‘Active’ (generates a minimum of 50 PV) and has personally sponsored at least one distributor on both your left and right legs who remain ‘Active’. To receive Team Commissions a distributor must be both ‘Active’ and ‘Qualified’.

Customer: One who purchases directly from a distributor or a distributor’s website.

Preferred Customer: A customer who is on AutoShip and receives wholesale pricing.

Eight Ways to Earn Income

1. Preferred Customer Commissions
2. Team Commissions
3. MVP Check Match Commissions
4. Fast Start Bonus
5. Infinity Bonus
6. Rank Awards
7. Leadership Bonus Pools
Customer Sponsorship Pool
Distributor Sponsorship Pool
Blue Diamond Leadership Pool
8. Multiple Business Centers

Beginning Steps

1. Secure a distributor position in the Binary Tree by enrolling as a new distributor and purchasing a Fast Start Kit (recommended but not required). Fast Start Kits provide the necessary tools to become a successful distributor.

2. Sign up for a monthly AutoShip (Recommended but not required). An AutoShip is a convenient way to receive product on a monthly basis and meet the minimum PV requirement.

3. Personally sponsor one new distributor on both your left and right legs to become ‘Qualified’ for commissions.

Fast Start Kit

The Syntek Compensation Plan encourages all new distributors to purchase a Fast Start Kit. These kits provide the necessary tools to become a successful distributor. The Fast Start Kits are discounted to the new distributor and include product, information, sales and motivational tools, brochures, enrollment fee, and personal website activation. Purchasing the Infinity Starter Kit makes the new distributor active with 250 PV. Once becoming a qualified distributor you are then eligible for team commissions. The
advantage of purchasing the MVP Business Builder Kit not only makes the new distributor active with 500 PV but also qualifies the new distributor for all commissions available to them in the first month including: preferred customer commissions, team commissions, MVP Check Match, and bonuses. The Fast Start Kit
program is the perfect way to get initial product sampling into a new distributor’s hands at a reduced price so that they can experience the product themselves and begin promoting their business to others. To meet your needs, there are two Fast Start Kits to choose from: The MVP Business Builder Kit and the Infinity Starter Kit (Refer to the Distributor Price Sheet for a list of products contained in each kit.) The distributor who purchases the MVP Business Builder Kit and signs up for the MVP AutoShip qualifies for 100% of the commissions available.

Fast Start Kits:                                     PV                      *Fast Start B onus                *Infinity Bonus  
MVP Business Builder Kit:...................500PV..................$50 (USD)...........................$50 (USD)
Infinity Starter Kit: ...............................250 PV.................$25 (USD)...........................$25 (USD)
*Read on learn about Fast Start and Infinity Bonus.
*See Distributor Price Sheet for Fast Start Kit prices and bonuses in your country.

Monthly PV Requirement - Distributor AutoShip

Each distributor is required to generate a certain amount of PV on a monthly basis to qualify for different levels of the compensation plan. The AutoShip Program (recommended but not required) is the easiest way to qualify each month for commissions and take full advantage of the compensation plan. The convenience of the Syntek ‘AutoShip’ program benefits both retail customers and distributors by allowing them to place a recurring monthly order. It’s simple and convenient. Your product will be delivered to you on a regular basis at the wholesale price. To qualify for the team commission portion of the compensation plan you must generate a minimum of 50 PV and personally sponsor an active distributor on both your left and right binary legs. As your business matures, the compensation plan continues to help generate income by adding the MVP Check Match portion of the compensation plan. To qualify for the MVP Check Match a distributor must have a minimum of 100 PV.

Monthly PV Requirement

100 PV: Qualifies for total compensation plan including MVP Check Match and all bonus programs.
50 PV: Qualifies for team commissions, preferred customer commissions and infinity bonus program.
25 PV: Qualifies for preferred customer commissions only and allows you to accumulate roll-over volume on the greater leg.

1. Preferred Customer Commissions

A distributor who wants to earn Preferred Customer Commissions must generate 25 PV on a monthly basis to earn 25% commissions on all orders placed by their personally sponsored customers. All customer volume is credited towards the sponsoring distributors total PV. The PV on all Preferred Customer purchases will be 50% of normal PV because 25% of the sale is already paid in Cash Bonuses.

2. Team Commissions

Team Commissions from sales are the fundamental building block of the Syntek Compensation Plan. The team commissions portion of the plan is binary. The term binary means that you will be placed in one of two legs (left or right) in your sponsor’s organization. You will then be compensated based on the success of building two distributor legs of your own. Your upline and/or other distributors may also place people in your
organization. Recruiting retail customer sales is an important component to building distributor success.
If you and at least one personally sponsored distributor on your left and right legs are active with a monthly minimum of 50 PV, you qualify for 10% commissions on the total GV of your
lesser volume leg. (Your own PV counts towards the total GV in your lesser volume leg.) Maximum commission payouts are also based on current rank - see page 8. Team commissions are calculated monthly.

Calculating Team Commissions: 

Team commissions are paid on your lesser volume leg and begin when you are qualified.
Team commissions are paid out once your commission total is over $25. If team commissions are smaller than $25 they are held until your check total exceeds $25. Team commissions are limited to a cap of 10% of 400,000 GV on the lesser volume leg per monthly cycle, per business center. (See Section 8. Multiple
Business Centers) Example: In the diagram example you are active with 100 PV.
You are also qualified because you have a personally sponsored distributor on your left leg who is active with 50 PV and a personally sponsored distributor on your right leg who is active with 100 PV. Therefore you qualify for 10% in team commissions*from your lesser volume leg which in this example equates to
$100 (10% of 1,000 GV). Your own PV is always allocated to the lesser volume leg. * Equates to earning 5% of the balanced volume from both your left and right legs.

3. MVP Check Match Commissions

Each personally sponsored distributor in the Binary Tree is then reflected as a new leg in your Enrollment Tree on which MVP Check Match Commissions can be earned in addition to Binary Team Commissions.
To qualify for MVP Check Match Commissions, you must purchase or upgrade to the 500 PV Kit (OR you may qualify by generating 500 PV in a given month or 250 PV generated over two-consecutive months.) After meeting the above qualification a minimum of 100 PV must be maintained each month. This program allows you to earn a percentage of the team commissions paid to all the distributors you personally sponsor, the distributors they sponsor, and so on up to seven generations deep of MVP ranked distributors in your Enrollment Tree legs (a generation ends and another begins when a qualified MVP is found in a leg, regardless of depth). The number of Enrollment Tree legs can be unlimited, however, the amount of generations you can qualify for is dependent upon your rank - see page 8. Therefore, to maximize your income, continue advancing to higher MVP ranks by personally sponsoring more distributors which create more Enrollment Tree Legs on which you can earn an MVP Check Match.

*** More Compensation Plans to come***

Saturday 27 October 2012

How Xtreme Fuel Treatment it Works

How Xtreme Fuel Treatment it Works

Xtreme Fuel Treatment™ contains an oil soluble organo-metallic compound which functions as a ‘burn rate modifier’ and a ‘catalyst’ to lower the ignition point of fuel in the combustion chamber by several hundred degrees. Simply stated, this means that the fuel burns longer and more efficiently, causing your engine to burn more of the available fuel it gets rather than less of it. What does this mean to you? Enabling a more complete burn process means you use
less fuel because you are using the available fuel more efficiently. This means better gas mileage and money saved!

A more complete burn process increases the available horsepower and torque,
thereby improving your vehicle’s power. A better burn also results in less carbon
buildup on engine parts and fewer emissions from the exhaust pipe. Less
carbon buildup means less wear on the engine which can translate into fewer repairs and extended engine life.

Just a quarter ounce of XFT™ treats up to 20gallons of fuel making this product the most comprehensive fuel treatment available.
Using XFT™ allows the use of lower octane gas with no decrease in engine performance!

4 Key Benefits of Xtreme Fuel Treatment

XFT™ is a break-through product which produces results in four key categories:

1. Increases Gas Mileage
Reduces fuel consumption resulting in increased miles per gallon.*

2. Prolongs Engine Life & Reduces Engine Wear
A cleaner and more lubricated engine means longer engine life and reduced

3. Improves Vehicle Performance & Horsepower:
Burns more of the available BTU’s in the fuel resulting in better performance.

4.Reduces Harmful Emissions & Pollutants:
Reducing harmful pollutants from the exhaust pipe results in a cleaner

Components of Xtreme Fuel Treatment™
Combustion Catalyst – Extends the burn rate of fuel during combustion to provide a more complete fuel burn resulting in increased gas mileage, fewer harmful emissions and less carbon buildup on engine parts.

Detergents – Removes harmful deposits from fuel pumps, injectors and throughout the fuel system.

Lubricants – Provides lubrication to pistons, fuel pumps and injectors, reducing friction and prolonging the working life of the engine.

Fuel Stabilizer – Prolongs the life of stored fuel; ideal for seldom used equipment.

Polymerization Retardant & Dispersant - Reduces sludge buildup in fuel which can plug filters.

Rust and Corrosion inhibitor– Prevents tank and fuel system corrosion caused by oxidation and condensation.

Demulsifier – Helps remove water from fuel.

XFT Distributor or call 08037240399
XFT Most Frequently Asked Questions! FAQ’S!
The following are the most commonly asked questions that both potential users and new distributors may ask? Please free to pass this along.

1. What is this XFT?
XFT is 2 things.
First, it is a fuel treatment product that has been used for over 20 years in industry and consumer use. It works to give you a more complete burn of the fuel and helps to maintain your engine. People are seeing up to 25% improvement in their fuel economy.
Secondly, XFT is a business that just about anyone can get into. XFT is only sold through independent distributors in a direct selling model.

2. Where can I get XFT?
XFT and is only available from a distributor. You cannot buy this at a store. If you’d like a list of our distributors in your area email sunny.xft@gmail.com or if you have gotten this flyer from a distributor, please contact them they will be glad to help.

3. How much does it cost?
Cost depends on how much your buy, (the more you buy the less it is) but for an example… A single package will treat a full tank of fuel and costs about 1000 Naira. This is the most expensive way. If you buy more than a single package, the price goes down significantly.

4. What if I don’t fill my tank up each time?
You will want to purchase the 2 oz bottle will treat your full tank 8 times. Contact one of our distributors for pricing. Then use a proportion of the recommended ¼ oz dose. For example a ¼ is for a full tank so a half tank would be 1/8 of an oz. etc.

5. What does it save per gallon to use?
On average you will save the user up to 25% of the cost of a gallon of fuel seen through better gas mileage and more miles per gallon.

6. Can anyone be a distributor?
Yes, we are currently looking for leaders in Nigeria to take this product out to the people. If you’d like to learn more call 08037240399 or email sunny.xft@gmail.com

7. Do I need to have any sales experience?
No. We train you. Our team of trainers will support you in terms of getting started with basic selling skills in addition to providing you with both marketing and promotional tools. To be good at it all you need to be is comfortable talking to people about both the product and business and have a desire to make money!

8. What do I need to do to sign up?
In order to sign up you need to provide us with your full name, address, email, phone # and date of birth. You will also be required to purchase a starter kit of product. There are 2 starter kits options. One cost N56,000 and the other one costs N112,000. The only difference between the two is the amount of product inside.

9. How do I pay for the starter kit?
You simply provide your personal details to me then I would send you the company's GT Bank Account Number Once the payment is complete you scan and send us a copy of the deposit slip and we will arrange for you to pick up your starter kit from our Oregun, Nigeria warehouse. Going forward you will be able to purchase product directly from this warehouse. They will arrange for a direct pick up or for shipping within Nigeria

10. Is there anything else I need to commit to?
Yes, you will need to commit to ordering a small amount of product monthly. This is referred to as your autoship or automatic shipment of product. Given Nigeria is a cash culture; you will want to have product on hand at all times as samples and for sales.

11. How do I get paid?
Your monthly commissions are calculated by head office in the US monthly. Your commissions are paid into your GT Bank Account in Naira. We currently use only GT Bank

12. When are commissions paid?
Bonuses are paid out weekly and commissions are paid out once a month on the 5th day of every month. For complete details please refer to the XFT compensation plan to find out how you are able to maximize your bonus and commission earnings.

13. How much money can I make if I sell XFT as a distributor?
The amount you make varies based upon 2 things. How many distributors you have signed up under your distributorship and of course how hard you work the system. That said, the least a distributor makes is about $10,000 a year. We also have distributors making between 5,000 and 10,000 dollars and more per month. You are only limited by your efforts!

14. Will you be available to help me along the way?
Absolutely!Team WE helps every team member grow. Also the design of Syntek supports team building as all distributors have a compulsory 2 legs so new sign ups are spread across the other distributors

15. After I sign up what happens?
As soon as you sign up, we would ask you for your lists of prospects and we would call them up and do the follow up for you.

16. Who are the best targets in Nigeria?
There are literally 1000’s of them you come into contact with every day! Buses, cab’s, car and drivers, your friends, commercial accounts such as mining, farming, fishing….anyone who uses a gas or diesel engine, that wants to save 20% or more on their fuel bill will be asking you for XFT!

To sign up today, call 08037240399 and send your mail of interest to sunny.xft@gmail.com


Xtreme Fuel Treatment

Syntek Global has been around for years, they manufacture and sell a product called XFT (Xtreme Fuel Treatment), before you start to judge and assume, first you need to see what this company offers and how can it help you. As owner of this website I am very passionate about this product because i recently bought this product and for the past months it has been working wonders for me, and if that’s not good enough XFT is 100% money back guarantee. But first let me tell you about what this product can do for you.

XFT has been around for over 20 years!! Yes 20 years! It was originally packaged in 55 gallons drums for use in large industries mainly mining companies. Now you know why large companies don't complain about rising fuel prices over the years that is because they were using what you didn't have. See for yourself how  Xtreme Fuel Treatment can help you.

What is Xtreme Fuel Treatment?

Xtreme Fuel Treatment is a unique Blend of oil soluble organo-metallics that result in better overall performance of your combustion engine. When added to gasoline or diesel fuel, Xtreme Fuel Treatment result in increases in Miles Per Gallon (MPG) and available horsepower, reductions in carbon build-up and carbon related maintenance problems, and reductions in harmful emissions and pollutants sent into the environment through the use of fossil fuels.

How Xtreme Fuel Treatment Works?

Xtreme Fuel Treatment™ contains a fuel catalyst referred to as a ‘burn rate modifier’. The burn rate modifier reduces ignition delay, which provides a significant, corresponding reduction in combustion temperature. By reducing ignition delay, the fuel reacts to combustion quicker, allowing for a longer, more complete burn. This improved combustion results in burning more of the available BTU’s of the fuel. A more complete burn improves engine performance, reduces harmful emissions significantly, and reduces fuel usage.

Enabling a more complete burn process means you use less fuel and consequently increase your engine's fuel mileage. A more complete burn process increases the available horsepower and torque, thereby improving your engine’s power. A better burn also results in less carbon buildup on engine parts and fewer emissions from the exhaust pipe. Less carbon buildup means less
wear on the engine which can translate into fewer repairs and extended engine life.

XFT Distributor Link